(Computer Fundamental)

Time:- 2:00                                                                                                                     MM :- 50:00

Q 1:- What is Computer and given full name of Computer?

Q 2:- Types of Computer incense of technology?

Q 3:- Types of Computer incense of size?

Q 4:- Given five different between AC & DC?

Q 5:- What is Data & Information?

Q 6:- What is Hardware & Software?

Q 7:- Give detail of First Generation?

Q 8:- Give detail of Third Generation?

Q 9:- How many types of Key in Keyboard?

Q10:- What is Memory & how many types of Memory?

Q11:- What is Semiconductor memory?

Q12:- What different between Optical & Magnetic Disk?

Q13:- What is Hard disk & full name of HDD, ATA, SATA and PATA?

Q14:- What is ROM & full name of PROM, EPROM, EEPROM and EAROM?

Q15:- How many types of Number system?

Q16:- (240)10 = ( )2 = ( )8 = ( )16 ?

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